
March 12, 2008

Cream Puffs with Mousse au Chocolat

I love cream puffs. Today I made them for the very first time, and for sure gonna do them again and again...and again. They do not look perfect at all but they have a very good consistence and taste absolutely yummy. By the way I have updated my post about the homegrown garlic with a fresh photo.


200 g dark chocolate
50 g milk
2 eggs

1 pinch of salt
20 g sugar
200 g cream

240 ml milk
120 g butter

1 pinch of salt
180 g flour
4 large eggs
For the mousse melt chocolate. Cook milk, remove and add egg yolks. Mix in melted chocolate. Beat egg white with a pinch of salt, add sugar and mix it with the chocolate. Beat cream and add also to the chocolate mixture. Leave for 2 hours in the fridge.
For the cream puffs cook milk with butter and salt. Add flour and mix with a help of a wooden spoon until the bottom of the pot gets white. In a bowl add eggs and mix with a help of a mixer. With the help of an icing bag make small smudges on a baking paper. Bake for 20
minutes on 200 °C
Half cream puff, fill with mousse au chocolat and sprinkle some molten white chocolate on top if you like.


  1. Love cream puffs!!! Is there someone that doesn't?! Mhmmm! Never had them with chocolate filling; I shall try :)
    They look delicious!
