
May 13, 2008

Grapefruit Jam with Lemons

I have this recepie from Millie, my cooking buddy from Hungary. Her jam has a fabolous colour, check it out! When I halfed my grapefruits, I was sure that mine going to be orange, because two of them were very light rosa and the other almost yellow. Nevertheless the jam is very tasty and of course bitter. Finally I have my own citrus jam, good bye Mr. Pomelo! I added one orange and one lime to the recepie, only because otherwise they would have landed on the compost. In addition I caramelised two tablespoon of the sugar to have a more intense colour.

3 big rosa grapefruits
500 g lemon
1300 g sugar
2000 ml water

As first peel the fruits so that you have nice long zests. Add the chopped fruit and the zest in water and cook for 2 hours. The white parts and all the rest that you would throw away put in a cloth and add to the rest. After 2 hours of cooking, remove the cloth, add sugar and cook until you reach the consistency you want.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Don't ask me why I had it in my head that your bday was I got to go look for hte blogger whose bday is indeed tomorrow...ahahahha !!
    Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  3. Thank you! :) Oh now that is a task!

  4. Boldog Születésnapot!!!! Adsz emailben egy postacímet? Meglepnélek egy iciripici valamivel, ami tuti jól fog jönni a konyhádban!!!

    És gyönyörű lett a lekvárod! Örülök, hogy ízlik!
    Írországban ettem egy levendulás citromlekvárt, szerintem ősszel azt is elkövetem!

  5. Köszönöm. :) Jaj drága vagy.

  6. I am so impressed! You can do anything!!
