
July 21, 2008

Chicken Jawa

I am so fond of chicken satay, that it became almost today's lunch, however I noticed that some ingredints are missing so I decided to cook something else. At least I have saved some calories for the dessert: leftover cream puffs with mousse au chocolat...mmm...So this dish I want to share is very refreshing and easy to preapre. I simply served it with some rice. The sauce has an intense taste, and if you are a lemon lover, it is worth a try.

4 chicken breasts
2 lemons
1 onion
3 tablespoon olive oil
200 ml chicken stock

1 chili
1/4 teaspoon curcuma
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon caraway
1/4 teaspoon mustard seed
1/4 teaspoon coriander seed

salt, pepper

Heat olive oil and fry chicken on both sides and set aside. Grind coriander, mustard seeds together with the rest of the spices and chili. Add chopped onion, spices and mix well. Add chicken, juice of 1 lemon, chicken stock and 1 sliced lemon. Cook for 20-25 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.


  1. Look's very inviting :)

  2. you did a wonderful job! It looks delicious.

  3. this is the first time i heard of this delicious chicken recipe :-) thanks for sharing!! yummy
