
July 15, 2008

Red Currant Ice Cream

Could you imagine anything better on a cold and rainy summer day than some ice cream? Yeah a cup of hot chocolate, but hey it is summer! So I decided to prepare red currant ice cream, to bring back the feeling of a warm day.

500 g red currant
250 g mascarpone
100 ml heavy cream
5 tablespoons sugar

Puree red currant and with a help of a sieve remove corse, so that at the end you have the fruit pulp. Add mascarpone, sugar and beaten heavy cream. Let the ice cream maker do the rest.


  1. I wish I found red currants in California. They don't have them here. I miss them a lot! In Azerbaijan they are in abundance now. Love the idea of having them in ice cream!

  2. gute Idee aus den säuerlichen Johannisbeeren eine Eiscreme zu machen.

  3. i have been seeing red currants in the market, cant wait to try this ice cream yummy!!
