
May 21, 2009

Spicy carrot parfait with curry meringue

Everything started with a big bag of carrots. Normally I do not buy such a quantity of vegetable like I did last week: about 5 and a half pounds of carrots! So since days my head is full with ideas using carrot. It is quite boring to have carrot salad every second day, right? The delicious and almost obligatory carrot cake may also not be missed. As the weather is getting warmer and warmer the more ice cream leaves my kitchen. I decided to experiment a bit and prepared a spicy carrot parfait. To make the dessert a bit more interesting I thought to play around with meringue and curry powder. Something still was missing and as I also had some yellow and purple carrots in the fridge I caramlized them and cooked in some orange juice to have a kind of sauce with the parfait, flavoured with a bit of chilli. Well to my "test eater" it was too much chilli but he liked the combination of the parfait and the meringue and so did I. To me, this dessert has a special air. Sort of like flying on a cloud somewhere over the Orient. It might sound strange, but that is how I can describe it best.

100-150 g carrots
125 ml milk
125 g sugar
4 egg yolks

225 g cream
6-7 sichuan pepper
4-5 cardamom pods

some coriander seeds
2 pieces of staranise
2 cloves

Cut carrot in cubes and cook in water until soft, puree. Bring the milk with the half of the sugar to boil, whisk the rest of the sugar with the yolks. Leave the milk stand for about 10-15 minutes, sieve and after heat it again and stir in the yolk-sugar mixture. Cook it on low heat until it has a nice thick consistence, let it cool and stir in carrot puree and beaten cream. Freeze for 5-6 hours.


  1. What an interesting dessert! I've never had a carrot dessert except for cake. The combination of spices sounds very intriguing, too :)

  2. Love the sound of carrot parfait! I have yet to try a hint of curry in desserts, but I shall definitely keep that one in mind.

  3. Wow, you are far more adventurous than I am. I have never thought of using curry in a dessert. But why not, I would love to try this!!
