
May 28, 2009

Strawberries have arrived!

Finally the first strawberries of the season have arrived last weekend. I bought them on the farm where I get my rhubarb and eggs from. I can't tell you how much I was waiting for these beautiful and delicious fruits. Of course the stores are full of imported strawberries since months!!! While walking along the shelves, I had the smell of the huge imported strawberry mountains and it was hard to resist, but only the smell! I bet they taste like plastic, I haven't bought or tried a piece, brrr. I am for slow food, therefore I only buy vegetables and fruits when they have season, and support local artisans and farmers. So since months I was totally eager for strawberries and it was worth to wait, definitely! From another farmer I bought strawberry tomatoes. I have never heared or seen them before. Aren't they cute?

1 comment:

  1. I've also been waiting eagerly for the first Swiss strawberries!


