
September 11, 2009

Fennel poached in black tea


It was time to give fennel another chance in my kitchen. Talking about chances I also gave basil pesto another go: I pureed the basil leaves with cashews, goat cheese and of course olive oil. Anyway the fennel got poached in chicken stock among some black tea. I loved the taste of it with the light touch of black tea! I already planned to prepare it again somewhen next week. What else could better to serve with fennel than a nice slice of fish! I chose zander and served some white polenta with it on a light lemon sauce.

1 shallot
1 teaspoon butter

100 ml white wine
100 ml fish stock
zest of a lemon
2 tablespoon lemon juice
chunks of cold butter

Melt butter, add chopped shallot, stew and pour wine and fish stock on it. Reduce half, add lemon juice, zest, season with salt and pepper and whisk in cold butter.

1 comment:

  1. A refined dish! What wonderful flavors!

    Cheers and have a great weekend,

