
February 23, 2010

Creamed Radicchio

Everything started with a bunch of leftover chives. I knew, that I am not going to use it in anything in the coming days, so I decided to prepare chive oil, according to the recipe by Michel Roux. Simply heat 100 ml olive oil to about 80°C, add the chopped chives and cover the saucepan. After just turn off the heat and let it stand until it is completly cool, then blend for some seconds, sieve and fill into a bottle. This is going to keep for several days in a cool and dark place. I thought, why not serve a fried fish with the oil, just like Roux recommends. I had two fillets of seabream in the freezer and those seemed to be perfect for this dish. I took some sunchokes, and cooked them half through in salty water. Before serving I fried them in olive oil. To support the nutty taste of the sunchoke I decided to serve some roasted hazelnut among it. In order to bring another texture to the dish, I prepared some creamed radicchio as well. The result was a light and delicious lunch, that brought bright colours into (hopefully) the last days of winter!

2 radicchio ( e.g. Rosso di Chioggia)
1 tablespoon cane sugar
1 teaspoon salt
150 ml double cream

Half radicchio and cut it in thin slices. Heat a saucepan and m
elt cane sugar, add radicchio and sauté for 3-4 minutes. Add double cream and cook it until it is reduced by half, season and serve.


  1. Hey, that's a pretty good way of using up leftover herbs :) I'll have to give it a shot! (I hope it does not turn rancid faster.)

  2. Du mach immer so huere super Anordnige ufem Teller! Wo chaufsch de Topinambur? Ha no nie Topinambur g'esse. Das mit de Haselnüss isch au hammer. Jo, und das mitem bruche vo Chives im Öl hani au nöd gwüsst, hört sich guet a, ich tue vorigi Chives igfrüre bevors lampig werded.

  3. @Manggy: Yeah, indeed. I always have some different kinds in small bottles. Well, I guess that depends on the oil and the temperature and who knows what. Therefore I never make more than 100 ml.

    @Rosa: Thanks! :)

    @Houdini: Merci viil mal! Meistens bim Buur oder im chlieses Biolädeli, aber au mal in Düütschland. Und wie isch es dann wenn es wieder uftaut? I ha kei erfahrige mit gfrorene Krüüter. Sind sie dann nöd zwässerig?

  4. Mer gfüred vieli Chrüter, Schnittlauch goht absolut super, muesches nur vorher schniede in 3 mm Stückli, au Peterli kei Problem, Salbei, Kaffir-Limette, Dill, Origano, Thymian, etc. Immer alli sowit schnide und richte grad zum bruche nochher. Sie chömed ine Plastic Container mit Deckel, denn chasch ufmache, mitem Teelöffel e chli usechratze direkt i d'Pfanne, Deckel wieder zue und zrugg in Freezer. Basilikum goht nöd guet, Thai Basil gar nöd.

  5. Merci für die Aleitig! I wirds au usprobiere.
