
August 6, 2010

Blueberry&Black Currant Jam

It seems that this summer my favourite berry is black currant. Unfortunately, last week it was the last harvest on the farm where I usually get it from. I decided to cook a small portion of jam, to have a little jar of summer during the cold winter days.

250 g bluberries

250 g black currant
50 ml port wine
300 g sugar

Bring the fruits among the port wine to boil with the sugar and cook for about 45-50 minutes
or as long as it has reached the desired thickness. Put it into jars and let them cool covered by a blanket over night.


  1. De Portwii bringt's sicher!! Ich mag beidi Beeri und mer händ beidi, aber schwarzi Johannisbeer sind fertig, viellicht igforni, chammer glich no Confi mache.

  2. Jo scho, mer cha e chli meh dritue ;) Ja i denk das cha mer scho mache, mer muess es eifach e chli länger koche will es meh wasser dine hat.

  3. There's nothing better than homemade jam! DELICIOUS!
