
August 11, 2010

Plum Flaugnarde

Ever heard of flaugnarde? No? I am sure most of you have already made it many times. After all it is the same dessert as a clafoutis. Well, almost. The batter is the same, but if it is not made with cherries it is called flaugnarde and not clafoutis. I didn't know this until now. I baked my first cla...excuse me ;) flaugnarde about 2 years ago with rhubarb. If I am not mistaking I haven't ever had one with cherries. Although, last weekened I bought the last bunch of local cherries of this summer from my greengrocer, but those didn't survive a day. So, I decided to use plums instead, and to give it a tiny kick, I poched them in a spicy syrup before baking. I didn't want to use too many flavours, so I only added star anise, clove and cinnamon to the syrup, but feel free to pimp it with further spices such as sichuan pepper, or fresh ginger.

6 plums
100 g sugar
1 star anise
3 cloves
1 piece of cinnamon stick
2 eggs
80 g flour
80 g butter
60 g sugar
150 ml milk

Bring to sugar with 200 ml water and the spices to the boil, remove it from the heat and put the plums into the syrup. Let it stand for about 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 180°C. Melt butter and let it cool. Butter 4 oven-proof forms. Peel and slice the plums and put it on the bottom of the form. Whisk the eggs slightly with a fork and stir in the flour. Stir in the butter, the sugar and the milk at the end. Pour it over the plums and bake for 20-25 minutes. Serve with cinnamon sugar.


  1. Those flaugnardes look irresistible! Pluma are so levely.



  2. Did the anise and cloves work well together? Very interesting indeed, and tempting. Will I become a sweet tooth from looking at all your goodies? I'll try this one, or ask Helen to do them.

  3. Thanks Rosa!

    @Houdini: Well, I based the spice mixture on the Chinese 5 spice powder, but left some away, as I didn't want it to be too *exotic*. I liked the combination, however if you do not trust it, just go for the cinnamon. By the way, this is not that sweet at all! I served it with some extra cinnamon sugar.

  4. This is such a lovely recipe. I also love the ingredient combinations that you have used. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. I love the flaugnardes! beautiful combinations too.


  6. love hte little baked pots of dessert. I didnt know that there was a difference between clafoutis and flaugnarde - infact, i did not even know what a flaugnarde was. I somehow thought if the same thing was made with any other fruits it would be called "any other fruit" clafoutis than cherry clafoutis :)

    Glad to follow your blog.

  7. Hello first time here... came here from houdini's. I am glad to have discovered your space... This looks very pretty and elegant.

  8. @Mary: Thanks, I am happy that you like it!

    @Faith: Thank you!

    @Superchef:Well, I didn't know it either, but it was interesting to find it out.

    @Pretty.Good.Food.: Thanks so much! I wish I had better lightning. Gonna check out your blog real soon! Cheers

    @nandini: Hi! I am happy to see you here! I am going to check out your blog soon!

  9. You pimped this good! I would have finished it with some bite too..

