
October 19, 2010


Bread baking is definitely not my cup of tea, at least not yet. Most of the time I end up with a hard, not edible bread. Twice I have tried sourdough, but the result was even worse. Today, craving for Hungarian flavours, I decided to cook a mushroom soup. While peeling the vegetables, I thought a nice slice of fresh bread would be perfect with it. I looked for a quick and easy recipe. Fougasse just seemed to be the right choice!

375 g half white flour
8 g dried yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon thyme leaves
25 ml olive oil
270-300 ml water, lukewarm

Sieve flour, add dried yeast, salt, thyme leaves, olive oil and water and knead a dough. Let it stand for 30 minutes. Turn the dough onto a lightly-floured counter and flatten it out in a shape of a leaf and make cuts in the middle and on the sides (see baked bread photo). Brush with water, sprinkle coarse salt and thyme leaves on top and let it stand for 20 more minutes.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 220°C and bake for 15-20 minutes.


  1. A beautiful fougasse! Mmmhh, I'd love to eat some of that delicious bread now...



  2. ....und ich haette auch nicht's gegen einen Teller dieser Suppe!

  3. Das steht auch schon lange auf meiner to do liste. Sollte auch für Brotbackbanausen wie mich nachvollziehbar sein.

  4. @Rosa: Thanks, I glad you like it!

    @Kitchen roach: danke :)

    @lamiacucina: Ich werde auch noch andere Rezepte für Fougasse ausprobieren. Gestern habe ich eins bei Erich gesehen, dass kommt als naechstes dran! Ich bin auch eine absolute Brotbackbanause. :)

  5. Mushroom soup sounds really good and a piece of freshly baked bread certainly adds to it.
