
January 24, 2011

Coffee Mousse

As promised on Thursday, here is the recipe for the coffee mousse, however I brought something else as well. If I'd have put the whole quantity of the mousse into the cake, well that would have been too much, so I filled some glasses with the leftovers. The rest came on its own. The leftover simple syrup was perfect for preparing a portion of coffee granita to be served on top of the mousse.

However, as it happens so often, there was something missing but I did not have to think much to figure out what. I cooked a simple caramel sauce with cream, and that came also on top of the mousse. The mousse recipe is by Alain Ducasse, however I have lowered the quantity of the cream, as I think more of it would have destroyed the coffee flavour. Not to mention that over 600 ml of cream is just too much even read on a paper!

250 ml milk
30 g ground coffee
100 g sugar

1/2 vanilla pod
100 g cream
3 egg yolks

2 g corn starch
3 leaves gelatine
425 g cream

100 ml rum

Bring milk to the boil, add coffee and let it stand for 30 minutes. Make a caramel out of the sugar, add vanilla seeds and pour warm cream over it. Add the coffee-milk mixture to the caramel. Beat egg yolks with the corn starch and pour the coffee-milk-caramel mixture to the egg yolks and cook it over low heat until it thickens. Add the previously soaked gelatine leaves and let it cool. Beat cream with the rum and fold it into the coffee cream. For the caramel sauce simply melt 125 g of sugar and add 250 g cream to it and cook until it thickens. Let it cool. For the granita add coffee to the simple syrup and freeze for 2-3 hours and stir it with a fork every 30 minutes.


  1. Yummy¨That mousse looks and sounds mouthwatering. I love the first picture.



  2. Great arrangement, decoration and pictures, as usual.

  3. That sounds like a great little dessert you've made! Yummy! Beautiful photos too!

  4. You have some amazing recipes!

  5. This coffee mousse recipe was wonderful. I made it for dessert for dinner last night. It was a nice treat after the vegetable spinach lasagna i made:

  6. I am glad you enjoyed it! The lasagne sounds delicious!
