
January 3, 2011

Whisky Parfait

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday time enjoying great food and happy moments with the family and the loved ones. I have seen a few blogs that write about starting a diet, well I am here to share my newest recipe for a whisky parfait with loads of chocolate sauce! So if you intend to start a diet after the rich meals of the holiday season, well this is the wrong place to seek for recipes. However, I think at the begining of the year I also won't bake much, although I recieved a couple of gorgeous pastry it is gonna be hard to resist, but I try to make my best!

100 g sugar
100 ml water
5 tablespoons whisky
2 egg yolks
2 egg whites
10 g sugar
200 ml cream
2 tablespoons whisky

First prepare the syrup: bring the sugar and the water together to the boil and cook for 10 minutes, add 5 tablespoons whisky and cook for another 5 minutes. Set aside and let it cool. Beat egg whites with 50 ml of the syrup and 2 tablespoons of whisky over steam until fluffy. Beat egg whites with 10 g of sugar and fold it into the cooled egg yolk-whisky cream. Stir in beaten cream and freeze the parfait in the desired form for 3-4 hours depending on the size of the portions.


  1. I wouldn't mind to get one right now, sitting in the garden of our hotel here in Hoi An :-)
    All I can get here is a whisky on the rocks.

  2. A delightful desset!

    Happy New Year!



  3. What a lovely and unique dessert! Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year, chriesi. Wishing you a great year ahead.

  5. @Houdini: Well, I would send you some if it would survive. ;)

    @Rosa: Thanks! Happy New Year!

    @Faith: Same to you dear Faith!

    @lamiacucina: Thanks so much! All the best for you!
