
April 21, 2011

Asparagus Soup

Well, this is going to be a kind of post with and without recipe at the same time. I am not going to write about asparagus soup, after all the whole web is full of recipes and probably everybody has their own. However, it is important to handle the king of the spring vegetables with care!

Personally, I prefer white asparagus much more than green. However, lately I am totally fond of raw green asparagus and eat it all day long as a snack. Yesterday evening I could not decide if I should cook white or green asparagus soup, so at the end I did not decide and made both. It is common to add cream or a mixture of cream and egg yolks to the soup.

My soup does not contain cream, I have only added a medium potato to the butter sauteed asparagus and cooked with asparagus stock and seasoned with salt, a bit of lemon juice and a pinch of sugar, as I wanted to keep the natural flavour, so no spices no nothing. To the green soup I did not add potato but a nice chunk of butter before mixing. Of course it was served among the asparagus spears and a kind of hollandaise parfait, that is in fact nothing else, but a frozen sauce mousseline, with the difference, that I folded the beaten cream into the cold hollandaise. To add some crunchiness I roasted some hazelnut together with grated parmesan.


  1. Yin und Yang. Sieht hübsch aus.

  2. Great the asparagus season is just starting, so a nice soup for those chilli night of the spring

  3. It looks beautiful, I sm so jealous reading about you white asparagus. I lived in Germany 10 years ago and used to love the festivals t the beginning of the season. Unfortunately we dint have it herevin NZ.

  4. @lamiacucina: Ah ja stimmt, isch kei absicht gsi. :) Danke.

    @German: Oh yeah, finally we are drowning in asparagus!

    @peasepudding: I understand you and I am sorry to hear that it is not available there. :( Once one has tasted white asparagus it is easy to fall in love with! I am happy that you like the soup.
