
July 7, 2011

Gooseberry Sorbet with Rose Pepper - White Chocolate Sauce

It is almost impossible to resist this gorgeous berry season! My fridge is filled with beautiful berries and other seasonal fruits, like sour cherries, cherries and even prunes. I could not imagine any better dessert than a nice scoop of fruit sorbet in this really hot weather. Gooseberries seemed just to be the perfect fruit for a refreshing sorbet. Though not everyone in my family likes sour desserts, therefore I also made a portion of rose pepper flavoured white chocolate sauce. In case you rather prefer sweet sorbets, well you might want to double the syrup, however I think the sauce is just perfectly enough.

500 g gooseberry puree
150 g invert sugar
130 g water
250 g white chocolate
100 ml milk
250 ml double cream
1 teaspoon rose pepper

Cook a syrup with the water and invert sugar, then add it to the puree. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker or whisk it with a mixer every 30 minutes while freezing. For the sauce bring milk and cream to the boil, add rose pepper, remove it from the heat and let it stand for 10 minutes. Melt chocolate over steam and pour milk mixture to the molten chocolate, mix well. Pour sauce into a clean saucepan and bring it to the boil. Let it bubble for a few seconds, then set aside and serve immediately.


  1. I am a big fan of gooseberries, but have never paired them with pink pepper. Very interesting and surely diine! It looks wonderful.



  2. Mmm, sorbet like this is perfect for these summer months. That flavor combo sounds incredible. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog till Monday and I'd love it if you'd come by and link your sorbet up.

  3. I just wento to a dutch birthday last weekend and they made a gooseberry cake that was amazing so i will try now my own sorbet!
