
November 14, 2011

Pumpkin Sunchoke Gnocchi Gratin

Last week, I had the idea to prepare sunchoke gnocchi, and I was thrilled about this "new" idea. However, then I realised that last year I have already prepared some, though then it was a sweet dish. Even now, I wanted to include beetroot in a form of a sauce or something, but then I decided to make a simple gratin with pumpkin.

550 g sunchoke
60 g ricotta 
1 egg
200 g flour
250 g pumpkin
100 ml mlik
100 ml cream
1 pinch of cinnamon
2-3 sage leaves
1 piece of cheddar
salt pepper

Cook sunchoke, peel and puree in a mixer. You should end up with about 400 g of sunchoke puree, stir in the ricotta, egg and flour. Bring salted water to boil, reduce hit so that it simmers. Pipe gnocchi in the simmering water and as soon as they swim on top they are ready to be served. Butter oven-proof dish and put gnocchi into it. Puree baked pumpkin with milk, cream, sage leaves, salt, pepper and a pinch of cinnamon. Pour it onto the gnocchi and toss it together. Sprinkle grated cheddar on top and bake for 15-20 minutes over 200°C.


  1. Beautiful gratins! I love sunchokes.



  2. Thanks! Me too, but unforunately noone else in the family. :)
