Happy Holidays!

(based on a recipe by Alain Ducasse)
basic dough:
120 ml milk
4 g star anise
200 g rye flour
215 g honig
100 g brown sugar
the next day:
65 g flour
13 g baking powder
132 g (about 2 and a half) eggs
105 g soft butter
6 g salt
265 g oranger marmalade
4 g spice mix (ground mace, allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon)
Bring milk together with the star anise to the boil, then let it cool to lukewarm. Mix together rye flour with the honey, brown sugar and the sieved milk. Refrigirate for two days. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Stir flour and the eggs one by one to the basic dough. Cream butter with the salt and mix it to batter. Finally stir in the marmalade and the spices and pour the batter into the buttered 15 cm baking form and bake for 50 minutes.