
August 23, 2012

Double dark chocolate cookies with cocoa nibs

Last weekend we made a short trip to France and on the way home I felt so dizzy that I just needed to eat something. So I grabbed a pack of chocolate cookies in a fuel store. When I started to feel better I checked the package and found out that it didn't have a single ingredient that shouldn't be in a cookie. A real wonder! As I liked them a lot, I decided to bake them at home. Well, these cookies here are not quite the one I had, but totally addictive! Now it is clear, why I actually do not bake cookies often: I can't stop eating them! It would be fine to have one or maybe two with some coffee or milk, but these double chocolate cookies are just too tempting! A real indulgence!

150 g dark chocolate
130 g butter
130 g cane sugar

1 egg
100 g half brown spelt flour with groat
50 g oat flakes
50 g cocoa nibs
40 g cocoa powder
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon baking powder

Preheat the oven to 170°C. Melt 100 g of the chocolate over steam, and set aside the rest coarsly chopped. Cream butter with sugar until fluffy, stir in the egg and the vanilla extract and finally stir in molten chocolate. Add cocoa nibs, chocolate chunks, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, oat flakes and cocoa nibs. With the help of a ice cream scooper scoop the batter onto a baking paper covered baking sheet and bake for 15-18 minutes.


  1. Gorgeous cookies and shots! Cocoa nibs are awesome.



  2. As usual, Beautiful! I had been working long hours lately and haven't been blogging. But I just started a series on plating techniques.

  3. @Rosa: Thank you!

    @Joshua: Thanks! Ahh that's great! I am looking forward to it!
