
March 6, 2013

Sweet potato bread with gorgonzola and bacon

I almost completly forgot about the sweet potatoes that were hiding in the fridge for about 3 weeks. Luckily, they looked still good so I started to seek for other ingredients to combine with. I found a leftover piece of gorgonzola and all of a sudden it was everything clear about what I am going to make. Be careful with adding salt to the batter, because you never know how salty the bacon is and also the gorgonzola is intense. If you have some fresh rosemary, then add some to it to make the bread sing! It is lovely as a starter on a salad, but it goes also well with a bottle of beer or wine.


for a 30 cm long baking form

300 g sweet potato (weighed baked and peeled)
250 g white spelt flour
100 g butter
100 g yoghurt
4 eggs
15 g baking powder
50 g gorgonzola

100 g bacon
butter and flour for the form

Preheat the oven to 200
°C. Wrap sweet potatoes into foil and bake for 40 minutes or until soft and let them cool down. Set oven temperature to 180°C. Peel and puree sweet potatoes. Sfit flour and baking powder into a bowl. Melt butter over low heat. Whisk together eggs with yoghurt and the melted butter. Stir in sweet potato puree and finally fold in the flour-baking powder mixture. Season with salt, pepper, stir in gorgonzola and bacon. Butter and flour a baking form and pour batter into it. Bake for 40-50 minutes.


  1. A beautiful bread and stunning pictures!



  2. Wahrscheinlich wiederhole ich mich immer wieder, aber bin begeistert von deinen Bildern und den Leckereien die du produzierst. Mit welcher Camera und Objective fotografierst du eigentlich? Entschuldige bitte, wenn das eine zu direkte Frage ist.

    LG, Edina.

  3. @Rosa: Thank so much!

    @p-moments: Ich freue mich sehr darüber! Danke schön!!! Ich fotografiere mit canon 7d und meistens mit einem 50 mm (f/1.8) Obijektiv. Liebe grüsse zurück!

  4. That looks SO delicious! I think I'd have trouble stopping at just one piece :)

  5. Well, I had the same problem! :)
