
May 20, 2008

Double DB Challenge: Croissants

It is time again for our Double DB Challenge. I have never made puff pastry before so you may think how nervous this task made me! On the other side it was also very tempting! It took me some days until I dared to start with it. This includes reading the recepie again and again and again...Well now I can say that I loved it! I had some problems, as I had to roll out the dough on a round table that was shaking, so that is why it was hard to get it real thin. Nevertheless I am in love with it! I am so eager to prepare puff pastry again for other purposes. Yumm. Do not forget to check out my friend, Amy's croissants as well!

I was so glad when I have seen that the preferment raised, phew one thing that I do not have to worry about. Kneading the dough went also pretty well, I had hope that it is going to be fine.

I got more worried when I noticed that I just can not roll it out thin enough, but after the laminating and the long waiting I was more and more delighted as it was a lot easier to roll out. Well okay, I had bigger and smaller croissants but they raised and were really yummy. I made some with chocolate, others with sesame and cheese. Everything else than perfect but I guess it was quite good for my first ever croissants.


  1. Your croissants like nice and light and flaky and good!

  2. All righty! I have had better luck in posting my challenge - it is on my blog! Enjoy!

    And speaking of enjoying, your croissants look fabulous. Yay for us!
