
January 4, 2009

Vanilla Cream Bars with Lemon Foam

When I was a child I loved these bars, but I confess I only ate one piece as a whole and after I started to eat only the cover with the lemon foam. So my mom found a "topless" cake in the fridge but she did not mind, after all she was happy that finally I ate some of her cake, because normally I never even tried a piece and asked for it when it was already all gone. Today I still adore that lemon foam and even now I can not resist and I steal one cover after the other!

250 g flour
50 g butter
50 g sugar
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
7g powdered baking ammonia ( dissolved in 3 tablespoon lukewarm milk)

enough milk so that you get an "easy roll out " dough about 50 ml
7 eggs
7 tablespoon flour
7 tablespoon sugar
1 pinch of salt
zest of 1 lemon

200 g butter
200 g powder sugar

16 g vanilla
500 ml milk
100 g flour
2 egg whites

120 g sugar
juice of one lemon

1 small piece of chocolate

Knead a dough out of 250 g flour, 50 g butter, 50 g sugar, 2 egg yolks, cocoa powder, dissolved powdered baking ammonia and enough milk so that the dough is quite soft but easy to roll out. Preheat oven to 200°C and bake two brown sheets. Separate 7 eggs. Beat egg white with a pinch of salt and sugar. Add egg yolks and flour and bake it for 20 minutes.

Cook a cream out of the milk and flour, let it cool. Whisk butter with sugar and vanilla and whisk in the cooked cream. Beat egg whites with sugar and lemon juice and keep on beating over heat until it gets "hard".

Place one brown sheet and cover with cream, put the sponge on it, add more cream and cover with the other brown sheet. Smear beaten egg whites on top and sprinkle with molten chocolate.