5 tablespoon black sesame seeds
350 ml full fat milk
150 ml heavy cream
150 g sugar
4 egg yolks
150 g coconut flakes
90 g sugar
4 tablespoon milk
1 egg white
2 tablespoon powder sugar
Heat milk, heavy cream and ground sesame seeds until it starts cooking. Whisk egg yolks with sugar and slowly add hot milk mix to the eggs while whisking. Take it back to the cooking plate and cook until it thickens (it should be 85°C). Let the mixture cool over night or at least for 5-6 hours. Let the ice cream maker do the rest of the work. Mix sugar and milk and heat until sugar is dissolved. Let it cool and add to the coconut, egg white and powder sugar mix. Form it as you wish and leave it fridge until it hardens.

This desset Looks fabulous! Yummmy:)
Thanks for sharing your recipe:)
And you can visit me if I can visit you:)
Marvelous! I'll have to make such an ice cream soon...
Ooh! Quite a dramatic color. I'm not a fan of concentrated sesame flavor, but then again I've yet to try these kinds of desserts :)
That looks awesome! I have lots of black sesame seeds because I needed them for decoration, and I wasn´t sure what to do with them - just until now. Thanks for sharing!
das Zuckerblatt mit den Sesamkörnern ist das i-tüpfli.
Hey thnx for the posting of such a very delicious ice cream receipe and this is really a new flavor for me and for try to this receipe i have to purchase a good ice maker first and after a search i got a site where i have purchase and anyone who want can also purchase ice maker with the following site Ice Makers and with the using of that ice maker am making many types of ice creams and i also tried your posted ice cream and i was osammmmmmmmmmmmmm.......thnx
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