500 g raspberry
70 g sugar
2 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon dried lavender
25 g white chocolate
75 g milk
2 egg yolks
20 g sugar or lavender sugar
white chocolate liqueur or Marsala to taste
Heat sugar with water until it is dissolved, let it cool and pour it over the raspberries. Puree, sieve to remove seeds and let the rest of the work do your ice cream maker. For the sabayon heat milk with dried lavander, pour it over the chocolate and mix well until molten. Whisk eggs with sugar, add milk-chocolate mixutre and beat over heat until it has a nice thick consistence. Flavour with liqueur or Marsala. Cookie recipe is going to follow.

Delicious! a great idea!
Nice plated dessert, deceptively complex! :)
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