
July 31, 2012

Pistachio macaron with cardamom-orange blossom mousse

Probaly, I haven't ever baked such tiny macarons before. Though they didn't turn out quite as green as I hoped. Maybe it is not even possible to get an intense green colour without some artificial colouring and that is something I would never use. Anyway, I was totally happy with the result and the taste...mmmhhh! Maybe even better than the hazelnut macs. The filling is a light and fluffy orange blossom mousse with a touch of cardamom. These two were made to be together, an unbeatable combination!

(macaron shell recipe by Tartelette)
80 g aged egg whites
25 g sugar
100 g ground pistachios
100 g icing sugar
100 g sugar
35 g water
for the mousse:
2 egg yolks
70 g sugar

70 ml water
1 tablespoon orange blossom water
1 tablespoon lime juice
2 pinches of ground cardamom
2 gelatine sheets
250 ml heavy cream

Beat 40 g of egg whites with 25 g of sugar until it forms peaks. Meanwhile make the syrup: bring 100 g sugar with 35 g water to boil and as soon as it has reached  110°C remove it from the heat and add it to the beaten egg whites in a thin stream while beating constantly. Keep on beating until it has cooled down, this takes about 10 minutes. Stir the other 40 g of egg whites, unbeaten to the sieved pistachio-icing sugar mixture. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Pipe macarons onto a silicon sheet or a baking paper covered baking sheet. Bake macarons for 13-15 minutes depending on the oven or a few minutes longer if you make bigger ones.
For the mousse bring sugar with water to the boil, add orange blossom water, lime juice and ground cardamom. Pour syrup to the egg yolks and whisk it over steam until it become thick and foamy. Stir in the previously soaked gelatine and finally fold in the beaten cream. Pour it into a piping bag and chill for at least 2 hours, then fill the macaron shells.


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

So pretty and tempting! I love their lovely pale green color.



Javelin Warrior said...

These may not be a dark green, but I think they're gorgeous and I love how perfectly they turned out! I'm featuring this post in today's Food Fetish Friday (with a link-back and attribution). I hope you have no objections and I love the inspiration I get from your food…

katarina said...

This recipe is great and quite foolproof! :) I just wanted to know if you use a fan oven?

chriesi said...

@Javelin Warrior: Thanks a lot! Sure!

@katarina: Yes, indeed foolproof! Yes, I bake the macs in a fan oven. Sorry for the late reply!

Anonymous said...

This recipe is great and quite foolproof! .

Unknown said...

I know this is an old post.. but I'm curious if I could use rosewater instead of orange blossom? If so, would I still add lime? I'm trying to do a macaron version of Persian love cake.

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