Chestnut Flour Pasta
Looking back on the passed 2 years as a food blogger, I realize that I went through a couple of big changes as far as cooking is concerned. If I browse through my old posts, I discover dishes, that now I would prepare completly different, or some I probably wouldn't even think of to cook. As this post is about pasta, let's see how my habits of cooking pasta changed. First of all, now I always prepare fresh pasta, unless I use spaghetti or conghilie, - that is my absolute favourite pasta shape. If I look at those posted Bolognese, I always smile and say, yeah nice try girl. Since long I am aware that actually there is no such thing like Spaghetti Bolognese in Italy, only ragu Bolognese and that there are as many ragus as regions. For example in Bologna there is no milk or cream in it, but if you travel about 30 kms to Modena you find it. In no way there is garlic in it and so on and on. I guess I have read and watched enough about this delicious dish, that I could talk about it for hours. Just like Carbonara! Everytime I see recipes for Carbonara with cream it shakes me. No problem, if one cooks it that way, but then do not call it Carbonara. Well, I am kind of going for tradtion in cooking and before I cook something I do a lot of research. I just love to read about food. Another change is that, I hated cooked tomatoes in the past, so no pasta with sugo di pomodoro for me. Not so long ago, I found out that sugo can indeed be delicious! Now I love it and can't get enough. After all, I missed this dish for years! The same applies to garlic. Meanwhile I use loads of garlic, and I even have more than one type in my pantry ( for example the pink garlic of Lautrec, the Italian Alio Rosso di Nubia and the smoked garlic from France) and some fresh garlic growing on my window ledge.
What became more and more important to me during these years is to cook with seasonal products and buy them directly from farmers or small manufactures, at least as far as it is possible. I rather buy less, but good quality. So enough "blabla", let's go back to the chestnut flour pasta that I served among a porcini coulis à la Roux.

Ingredients:100 g chestnut flour
100 g whole grain flour2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 tablespoon olive oil
Whisk whole grain flour, chestnut flour and salt together. Make a hole in the middle, add the eggs and the olive oil and with a help of a fork mix it together. When the dough is getting viscous knead it with your hands until it is smooth. Let it stand for 1 to 2 hours in room temperature. Roll out with the help of a pasta machine and cut in any shape you desire.
(If I get chestnut flour, I'll definitely try it.)
Te jó ég, de durva! :D
Elképesztő recept!
Imádom a gesztenyét!
Ezt feltétlenül kipróbálom, ha törik ha szakad, ráadásul beterveztük a tésztakészítő gépet is.
I like the fact that you emphasize on the pasta, not on the sauce. The pasta is what we mainly eat, taste and enjoy, the sauce is just the spice, the flavor enhancer. Not like others who put huge loads of sugo, ragu or whatever onto pasta, as if they wanted to hide the pasta.
Adding fried chestnuts from the Marroniman with the porcini in the coulis could be nice, too, perhaps, on chestnut pasta. It's just a guess, I don't know.
What is a Coulis à la Roux? Is it according to Michel Roux, the chef, or is it with "roux", flour heated with fat, Mehlschwitze?
They must be very flavorful! Homemade pasta are incomparable...
Die Nudeln sehen gut und fest aus, ich habe mich noch nie getraut mehr als 1/3 Marronimehl zu verwenden.
@Alexandra: ;)
@Raindrop: Az nagyszerű! Nekem se volt egy jó ideig, és bizony nélküle nem az igazi. Tuti nem bánod meg.
@Houdini: Aw cool idea with the chestnuts in the sauce! In this case I meant Michel Roux. :)
@Rosa: Yeah, indeed!
@lamiacucina: Ich ha au Angscht gha dass es nöd klappt aber es isch wirkli sehr guet gsi!
great idea - i love everything about this recipe - thanks so muhc for sharing!
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