
June 2, 2009

Sole with saffron sauce

American plaice, Yellowtail flounder, Winter flounder, Flounder/sole from the Atlantic Ocean, Southern flounder, Summer flounder, Witch flounder

Well, this dish was inspired by two things. Some time ago I prepared a saffron strudel filled with white polenta, goat cheese and pea puree. Though I should have used spinach instead pea, don't ask me why I haven't, and therefore I didn't post about it. Now it might sound a bit strange, but this saffron strudel inspired me to prepare a saffron sauce, and a strudel filled with polenta. The mangold growing on my window ledge was also ready to be used, so I filled the sole fillets with the leaves and poached in white wine.

1 shallot
1 teaspoon butter

100 ml white wine
1 tablespoon sherry

100 ml fish stock
1 pinch of saffron threads

50 ml cream

Melt butter, add chopped shallot, stew and pour wine over it. Let it reduce a bit, sieve, add sherry, fish stock, saffron and cook until reduced half. Stir in cream, bring it to boil and season with salt and pepper.


Manggy said...

I absolutely adore sole! This looks like a very delicious application indeed! :)

Anonymous said...

This looks so amazingly delicious!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

The perfect combo!



Zoe said...

Sole is so delicate and delicious. Great flavors going on here!

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