3 big rosa grapefruits
500 g lemon
1300 g sugar
2000 ml water

As first peel the fruits so that you have nice long zests. Add the chopped fruit and the zest in water and cook for 2 hours. The white parts and all the rest that you would throw away put in a cloth and add to the rest. After 2 hours of cooking, remove the cloth, add sugar and cook until you reach the consistency you want.

Don't ask me why I had it in my head that your bday was tomorrow...now I got to go look for hte blogger whose bday is indeed tomorrow...ahahahha !!
Thank you! :) Oh now that is a task!
Boldog Születésnapot!!!! Adsz emailben egy postacímet? Meglepnélek egy iciripici valamivel, ami tuti jól fog jönni a konyhádban!!!
És gyönyörű lett a lekvárod! Örülök, hogy ízlik!
Írországban ettem egy levendulás citromlekvárt, szerintem ősszel azt is elkövetem!
Köszönöm. :) Jaj drága vagy.
I am so impressed! You can do anything!!
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