
October 7, 2010

Grape and Frangipane Tart

What a week! Since days I haven't had a normal lunch, just things like boiled sausage or pizza. The reason is that I have some kind of baking project running, and I have to have everything ready for Saturday. Today, hopefully, I am gonna have time to cook, because I am only making the puff pastry and some other simple goodies, so there is a chance to post something salty here soon! Yesterday, I baked Bünder Nusstorte und some Bakewell tarts and at the end I had some leftover pastry and frangipane so I decided to bake a small grape tart.

for the shortcrust pastry:
125 g flour
50 g butter
40 g sugar
1/2 egg
1 pinch of salt

Place the flour in a mixing bowl, cut the butter into small pieces, rub the flour and butter rapidly between the tips of your fingers. Add sugar and egg and blend quickly into a smooth
dough. Cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour and let it stand for 30 minutes outside before using it.

for the frangipane:
42 g butter, room temperature
42 g icing sugar
1 egg
42 g ground almond
10 g flour

Cream butter and icing sugar and stir in the egg. Fold in the ground almond and the flour.
Roll out pastry and smear frangipane on top, but leave about 1 cm of the pastry empty. Put grapes on top and bake for 25-30 minutes at 180°C.


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

A glorious tart! That combination is so delicious.



Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tart, looks like it could have come right out of a magazine.
*kisses* HH

Faith said...

I'm glad I bought a big bag of grapes...this is the perfect way to use them! It looks really delicious!

Cherine said...

A fabulous tart!

chriesi said...

Thanks a lot! I am happy that you like it!

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