50 g white chocolate
125 ml milk
125 ml heavy cream
3 egg yolks
50 g sugar
350 g rhubarb
1 tablespoon elderberry syrup
1 pack vanilla sugar
50 g sugar
60 ml water
juice of 1 lemon
For the chocolate cream chop chocoalte. Bring milk and heavy cream to boil. Whisk sugar with egg yolks and add hot milk-heavy cream mixture. Fill back to the pot and while stiring constantly let it get thick, but do not cook it! Pour it over the chocolate, mix well leave it in the fridge for 2 hours.
Peel and cut rhubarb in small cubes and together with water, sugar, lemon juice, vanilla sugar and elderberry syrup bring to boil and cook for 10 minutes. Serve on top of the chocolate cream.

this sounds absolutely wonderful..Great job!
chriesi - this looks delicious and i love the combination of sweet and sour. thanks for sharing this with the monthly mingle.
oh this does sound lovely. thank you for bringing this to the MM!
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